How to choose the right Security Gate for your Home

In recent times, the increase in robberies and burgled homes has increased the need to install security features in homes to improve security. Gadgets like CCTV cameras and alarm systems are becoming very popular in homes. Another common feature many people are adopting is a Security Gate. Security gates are useful in keeping thieves out especially when you are not home.
Having a security door installed is a good idea but this alone will not keep your possessions safe. Having a security gate, in addition, will act as the first line of defense against thieves. What’s more? The gate will also protect whatever valuables you have in your compound. Here are a few reasons why installing a security gate in Laguna Hills, CA is indeed a great idea.

Why a Security Gate is good for your Home

Although, the benefits of installing a Security gate is obvious, let us take a few minutes to review some of these benefits in detail.

  • Protect your premises against Intruders:

    Like we pointed out in a previous paragraph, security gates protect more than what you have locked up in your home. If you have a large premise and quite a few of your valuables are kept onsite, a security gate can keep intruders off who may want to gain entry.

  • Increase in Privacy:

    Another benefit of a security gate is that it increases privacy. With this system, you can have greater control over who accesses your premises regardless of whether you are in or out. It is common to have intrusive salesmen and passersby wander into your premises without your permission. With a security gate, however, you can put a stop to it permanently instead of shouting at the top of your voice at them to back off.

  • Increases the value of your home:

    Believe it or not, security gates increase the value of homes. When buyers inspect properties up for sale they look at so many things before deciding on the property to buy. One of the areas they look at has to do with security. No buyer wants to spend money on a house he or she will not feel safe in. Having to spend extra cash to secure the property may also be a turn off too. Installing a security gate is one way to increase the value of your home even if it is just a fractional price increase.

  • Limit Insurance Premiums:

    It is a wise thing to have insurance for your home but here is the catch. Insurance companies charge homeowners a higher premium if their property is a security risk but charges much less for secured homes that carry less of a risk. If you install a security gate, the insurer will be willing to charge you less as premium since your home will be considered as less likely to be burgled.

Now that we have established some of the benefits of installing a security gate, we also have to consider the necessary steps required to choose the ideal gate for your home. Before you make a final choice, there are several factors you need to consider. We discuss these factors hereunder.

Factors to consider when choosing a Security Gate for your Home

  • Purpose

    There is a popular saying that “when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable” and this saying rings true when considering the type of gate to go for. What type of property are you trying to secure? Does your property serve as your office as well as your home? How large is your premises? What possessions do you have lying in the premises? These are relevant questions you should answer. Providing answers to them will help you focus on what the gate should offer besides security.

  • Gate Style

    The gate you buy and install should complement the architectural design of your home. In essence, what we are saying is that the gate should fit in with your home, not stand out. If you want a style that blends with your home in San Clemente, CA, you may opt for a customized gate made of galvanized steel or aluminum depending on your preference and budget.

  • Available Space

    Before you install that security gate of yours, consider the space in your premises. Going ahead to buy a security gate without giving due consideration to the available space on your premises is a huge fail. If you wish to use a sliding gate, for instance, there has to be sufficient space on either side of the gate’s entrance to accommodate it. If you live in rocky terrain or the ground is uneven, installing a swinging gate may not be a good idea. So, therefore, before you procure the gate, consider the space available and the terrain first. To do this perfectly, you can contract a Gate repair and installation company to take the space measurement and to also evaluate the terrain for you.

  • Security Gate Type

    In case you didn’t know before now, there are different gate types in the market. Here are some of the very common ones used for home security in Laguna Hills, CA.

    • Swinging Gates:

      This gate type is the most common of all. They come in three styles which are the single swing, bi-fold swing, and the double swing gates. The single swing has one door while the double swing has two doors that swing in the same or opposite directions. As for the bi-fold swing gate, it is designed for homes with a much smaller premise. Bi-fold swing gates utilize very little space.

    • Sliding Gates:

      Although they are not as common as swinging gates, they are also massively deployed by homeowners who have their homes located in uneven or rocky terrain. Uneven terrains make it difficult or practically impossible to use swing gates hence the usefulness of the sliding gates. Common examples of sliding gates are telescopic and tandem sliding gates that are engineered to close and retract even in compact spaces.

    • Note:

      The opening mechanism should also be considered as well. Decide whether you want the gate to swing inwards, outwards, slide sideways or roll upwards. You can seek professional advice from a gate installation expert before making a final decision.

  • Gate Mechanics

    When choosing the right security gate for your home another thing you need to decide on is the gate’s mechanics. Do you want a manual gate that needs to be opened by hand now and then or do you prefer an automatic one? Manual gates are less expensive but using them is labor-intensive since someone has to be close by to close and open it.
    Automatic gates, on the other hand, use automation. If your home uses electricity and you can afford the extra cost, an automatic gate may be the best option. There are different automatic gates that are eco-friendly and cost-effective. If you don’t want to spend extra on electric bills, you may choose a solar-powered option to save cash on energy bills. From the comfort of your home, you can choose who to let in or keep out at all times. When returning home too, you don’t need to hop out of your car to open the gate since you can operate it with a remote device.

  • Means of Access

    Now, you need to decide how the gate will be opened and closed. There are several basic and sophisticated methods available to you. Take your time before deciding on the best means of access so that you don’t change your mind soon after because changing your mind may cost you extra cash to revert to a preferable option. The available options are:

    1. Key Card (A Swipe Card is required to access the gate)
    2. Fingerprint Reader (The fingerprints of all the occupants of the house will be taken for access)
    3. Electronic Key (Similar to a manual key but an upgraded version)
    4. Smartphone Entry (Access is allowed using your Smartphone)
    5. Remote Control (A special device is used to open and close the gate)
  • Choose a Suitable Color

    Picking a suitable color should not be discountenanced as a trivial matter because it isn’t. The color you pick should reflect your sense of style as well as the color of your building. If your house is spotting attractive colors, consider going for a gate color that blends with your walls. If you don’t want to show off, you can pick a bland color that will not give too much away.

  • Consider your budget

    Last but not least is your budget. Get the price list of all the gate types that catch your fancy and decide on the one that you can afford. In as much as you want to save money, make sure you don’t sacrifice quality for cheapness. In addition to the cost of the gate, you should also note that you will need to pay a gate installation professional a service fee to install the gate for you.

Installing a Security gate in your home in San Clemente, CA is highly advisable if you want to keep intruders off and control access to your premises. Just take your time to follow the tips we highlighted in this article and also make sure that you only hire a professional gate installation company to help with the installation.

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